Trespassing Enforcement Authorization Program

The Worcester County Sheriff’s Office has implemented the Trespassing Enforcement Authorization Program (T.E.A.P.) which grants permission to the Sheriff’s Office to act on behalf of Worcester County property owners addressing trespassing violations on private property. Partnering with local businesses in Worcester County to enhance the safety of local businesses and address problems that occur on private property during closed hours.
If you are a business in Worcester County and would like to sign up for this program, contact the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Community Services Section. You will need to fully complete and notarize two forms, the Agent Authorization and Right of Entry Agreement and Release & Indemnification. Upon completion the original forms need to be mailed or dropped off to the Sheriff’s Office.
Forms can be mailed to:
Worcester County Sheriff’s Office
ATTN: DFC Kelly Riwniak/ Community Services Section
One West Market Street, Room 1001
Snow Hill, MD 21863
410-632-1111- phone
***Forms can be notarized at the Sheriff’s Office, you must make an appointment in advance at 410-632-1111. Please make sure to bring proper identification.